Section 6119.03. Common pleas court assigned to district  

Latest version.
  • Upon the determination of the judge of the court of common pleas that a sufficient petition has been filed in such court in accordance with section 6119.02 of the Revised Code, he shall give notice to the court of common pleas of each county included in whole or in part within the proposed regional water and sewer district. Thereafter the judge of the court of common pleas of each such county or, in the case of any county having more than one such judge, the judge of such court assigned by order of its presiding judge shall sit as the court of common pleas of the county wherein the petition was filed to exercise the jurisdiction conferred on it by Chapter 6119. of the Revised Code. If the judge in any county having only one judge is unable to serve, the chief justice of the supreme court shall assign a judge from another county to serve as a judge for such county during the disability of its judge. Except as provided in Chapter 6119. of the Revised Code, such court shall have for all purposes of such sections original and exclusive jurisdiction coextensive with the boundaries of the district or proposed district and of the lands and property included in, or proposed to be included in, such district without regard to the usual limits of its jurisdiction. The judge of the county wherein the petition was filed, within a reasonable time after his determination of the sufficiency of the petition, shall issue a call to the other judges of the court created in this section, specifying the time and place of its first meeting. At this meeting the court shall elect one of its number presiding judge. Each judge when sitting as a member of the court shall receive such compensation and allowance for expenses as provided by law for a judge serving by assignment outside the county wherein he resides, which shall be paid as other expenses of the organization or operation of the district are paid. If such court is composed of an even number of judges and a majority is unable to agree, the chief justice of the supreme court shall designate a judge of the court of common pleas of some other county to sit and vote as a member of the court until a decision is reached. A majority of the court shall prevail.

Effective Date: 11-19-1971