Section 5705.132. Reserve balance account for other purposes  

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  • In addition to any reserve balance account established under section 5705.13 of the Revised Code, a board of township trustees, by resolution, may establish a reserve balance account to accumulate currently available resources for any purpose for which the board may lawfully expend money of the township other than for the purposes for which a reserve balance account may be established under section 5705.13 of the Revised Code. Money may be transferred to the reserve balance account from another fund or account of the township only if money in that fund or account may lawfully be expended for the purpose for which the reserve balance account is created. A reserve balance account created under this section may exist for not more than five fiscal years beginning with the first fiscal year in which money is credited to the account. The total amount of money to the credit of all reserve balance accounts established under this section at any time in any fiscal year shall not exceed five per cent of the total of the township's revenue from all sources for the preceding fiscal year and any unencumbered balances carried over to the current fiscal year from the preceding fiscal year. Money in a reserve balance account shall be expended only for the purpose for which the account is established. More than one reserve balance account may be established under this section.

    The resolution establishing a reserve balance account shall state the specific purpose for which the account is established, the fund within which the account is established, the fund or account from which money shall be transferred to the account, and the number of years the account will exist. The resolution shall specify the maximum total amount of money that may be credited to the account during its existence and the maximum amount of money to be credited to the account each fiscal year the account exists. The board, by subsequent resolution, may change the amount to be credited and the source from which money is transferred, subject to the limitations of this section.

    The board, by resolution, may rescind a reserve balance account established under this section before the expiration of the account. The board, by resolution, may extend the life of a reserve balance account, provided that the total number of years the fund exists shall not exceed five fiscal years beginning with the first fiscal year in which money is credited to the account.

    Upon the expiration or rescission of a reserve balance account established under this section, any unexpended balance in the account shall be transferred to the fund or account from which money in the account was originally transferred. If money in the account originally was transferred from more than one fund or account, a pro rata share of the unexpended balance shall be transferred to each such fund or account proportionate to the amount originally transferred from that fund or account.

    The balance to the credit of a reserve balance account shall not be considered part of the unencumbered balance or revenue of the township under division (A) of section 5705.35 or division (A)(1) of section 5705.36 of the Revised Code.

Effective Date: 09-21-2006