Section 505.26. Additional powers of trustees  

Latest version.
  • The board of township trustees may purchase, appropriate, construct, enlarge, improve, rebuild, repair, furnish, and equip a township hall, a township park, public library buildings, and bridges and viaducts over streets, streams, railroads, or other places where an overhead roadway or footway is necessary, and such board may acquire sites by lease or otherwise for any of such improvements, including lands and buildings for recreational purposes.

    The board of township trustees, not for purposes of recreation, but for the purposes of protecting and preserving the natural, scenic, open, or wooded condition of land, water, or wetlands against modification or encroachment resulting from occupation, development, or other use, may acquire, other than by appropriation, an ownership interest in land, water, or wetlands, and may restore and maintain land, water, or wetlands in which it has such an interest.

    If sufficient space for township offices is not available, the board of township trustees may purchase, lease, or construct, and furnish, equip, and maintain office space. When such offices are to be provided by construction, a site upon which to erect such offices may be acquired by purchase, lease for twenty-five years or longer, or otherwise. The cost of providing such office space shall be paid out of funds in the township treasury. If sufficient funds are not available the board shall proceed as provided in sections 511.01 to 511.04 of the Revised Code.

Effective Date: 06-28-1990