Section 4933.01. Powers
Section 4933.02. Gas or electric companies may manufacture and supply both electricity and gas
Section 4933.021. [Repealed]
Section 4933.03. Consent of municipal corporation
Section 4933.04. Contracts with municipal corporation for light, sewage disposal, and water
Section 4933.05. Gas company may extend mains beyond city
Section 4933.06. Minimum heating value of natural gas
Section 4933.07. [Repealed]
Section 4933.08. Gas meter must be sealed and stamped
Section 4933.09. Testing of gas meters
Section 4933.10. Inspection of gas meters
Section 4933.11. Meter-prover and photometer
Section 4933.12. Company may shut off gas - exceptions
Section 4933.121. Company may shut off electricity - exception
Section 4933.122. Procedure for terminating residential service
Section 4933.123. Annual report of service disconnections for nonpayment
Section 4933.13. Powers of electric light and power companies
Section 4933.14. Electric light, power, and automatic package carrier companies
Section 4933.15. Right of entry - appropriation of property
Section 4933.151. Appropriation of property by water works companies
Section 4933.16. Municipal control of electricity
Section 4933.17. Cash deposit - interest
Section 4933.18. Tampering with utility equipment
Section 4933.19. Notice to customers concerning theft offenses
Section 4933.20. Tampering with gas pipes and apparatus
Section 4933.21. Interfering with electric wires
Section 4933.22. Tampering with hydrant, pipe, or meter
Section 4933.23. Interfering with pipes and meters
Section 4933.24. Prohibiting interference with apparatus of sewage disposal companies or unauthorized taps
Section 4933.25. Issuing certificate of public convenience and necessity
Section 4933.26. [Repealed]
Section 4933.27. [Repealed]
Section 4933.28. Correcting residential utility billings
Section 4933.29. [Repealed]
Section 4933.31. [Repealed]
Section 4933.32. Application of schedules and orders for curtailment of residential service
Section 4933.33. Annual statement
Section 4933.34. [Repealed]
Section 4933.42. [Repealed]
Section 4933.81. Certified territories for electric suppliers definitions
Section 4933.82. Boundaries of certified territory of electric suppliers
Section 4933.83. Exclusive right to furnish electric service to electric load centers
Section 4933.84. Right of electric supplier to continue or extend electric service within certified territory following annexation or incorporation of territory
Section 4933.85. Assigning or transferring rights
Section 4933.86. Violations
Section 4933.87. Right of municipal corporations to generate, transmit, distribute, or sell electric energy
Section 4933.88. Assessing expenses of administration
Section 4933.89. Public utilities territorial administration fund
Section 4933.90. Review of public utilities commission actions
Section 4933.99. Penalty