Section 3358.02. State community college district  

Latest version.
  • (A) A state community college district may be created to take the place of a technical college or a university branch with the approval of the Ohio board of regents upon the proposal of the board of trustees of a technical college district, or upon the proposal of the board of trustees of a state university, or upon the joint proposal of both such boards, and pursuant to an agreement entered into under section 3358.05 of the Revised Code. A state community college district may not be created to take the place of both a technical college district and a university branch without the consent of both boards of trustees. The attorney general shall be the attorney for each state community college district and shall provide legal advice in all matters relating to its powers and duties.


    (1) Qualified electors residing in a county, or in two or more contiguous counties, with a total population of at least one hundred fifty thousand may, in the manner prescribed in division (C) of section 3354.02 of the Revised Code, execute a petition proposing the creation of a state community college district within the territory of the county or counties. Upon the certification to the board of regents that a majority of the electors voting on the proposition in the territory in which the proposed college is to be located voted in favor thereof, the board may create a state community college district comprising the territory included in the petition.

    (2) The board of county commissioners of a county in which there is no university branch or technical college and which has a population of not less than one hundred fifty thousand may, by resolution approved by two-thirds of its members, propose the creation of a state community college district within the county. Upon certification to the board of regents of a copy of such resolution, the board may create a state community college district comprising a county.

    (3) The boards of county commissioners of any two or more contiguous counties in which there is no university branch or technical college and which have a combined population of not less than one hundred fifty thousand may, by a resolution approved by two-thirds of the members of each such board, jointly propose the creation of a state community college district within the territory of the counties. Upon certification to the board of regents of a copy of the resolution, the board may create a state community college district comprising the counties.

    (C) A state community college district may be expanded to include one or more counties, by a majority vote of the board of trustees and upon approval by the board of regents.

    (D) Upon a proposal of the board of trustees of a state community college district, the board of regents may amend the charter of a state community college to change it into a community college as defined in section 3354.01 of the Revised Code, in order to permit the college to seek a local levy. Such amendment of the charter is effective immediately upon its acceptance by the board of regents, and the state community college district shall thereupon become a community college district. If a levy is defeated by the voters or if no levy is approved by the electors within one year after the date the amendment takes effect, such amendment becomes void, and the college shall thereupon become a state community college, and the district operating such college shall become a state community college district. On the effective date of a charter amendment the board of trustees of the state community college district shall become the initial board of trustees for the community college district to serve for the balance of their existing terms, and the board or boards of county commissioners from the counties involved shall fill the first six vacancies occurring on the community college board, and thereafter board members shall be appointed under section 3354.05 of the Revised Code. If such an amendment takes effect and is subsequently voided under this section, any persons appointed to the board during the period the amendment was in effect shall be considered members of the state community college district board, and thereafter trustees shall be appointed in accordance with section 3358.03 of the Revised Code. Within thirty days after approval by the board of regents of a state community college district proposed under this section, the board of regents shall file with the secretary of state a copy of its certification or resolution creating the district. This copy shall be recorded in the office of the secretary of state, who shall then declare the district to be established.

Effective Date: 07-01-1983