Section 2923.01. Conspiracy
Section 2923.011, 2923.012. [Repealed]
Section 2923.02. Attempt to commit an offense
Section 2923.021. [Repealed]
Section 2923.03. Complicity
Section 2923.04. [Repealed]
Section 2923.05 to 2923.10. [Repealed]
Section 2923.11. Weapons control definitions
Section 2923.12. Carrying concealed weapons
Section 2923.121. Possession of firearm in beer liquor permit premises - prohibition, exceptions
Section 2923.122. Illegal conveyance or possession of deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance or of object indistinguishable from firearm in school safety zone
Section 2923.123. Illegal conveyance of deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance into courthouse - illegal possession or control in courthouse
Section 2923.124. Concealed handgun definitions
Section 2923.125. Application and licensing process
Section 2923.126. Duties of licensed individual
Section 2923.127. Challenging denial of license
Section 2923.128. Suspension and revocation of license
Section 2923.129. Immunity
Section 2923.1210. [Repealed]
Section 2923.1211. Falsification of concealed handgun license - possessing a revoked or suspended concealed handgun license
Section 2923.1212. Signage prohibiting concealed handguns
Section 2923.1213. Temporary emergency license
Section 2923.13. Having weapons while under disability
Section 2923.131. Possession of deadly weapon while under detention
Section 2923.14. Relief from weapons disability
Section 2923.15. Using weapons while intoxicated
Section 2923.16. Improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle
Section 2923.161. Improperly discharging firearm at or into a habitation, in a school safety zone or with intent to cause harm or panic to persons in a school building or at a school function
Section 2923.162. Discharge of firearm on or near prohibited premises
Section 2923.163. Surrender of firearm to law enforcement officer
Section 2923.17. Unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance - illegally manufacturing or processing explosives
Section 2923.18. License or temporary permit to possess or use dangerous ordnance
Section 2923.19. Failure to secure dangerous ordnance
Section 2923.20. Unlawful transaction in weapons
Section 2923.201. Possessing a defaced firearm
Section 2923.21. Improperly furnishing firearms to minor
Section 2923.211. Underage purchase of firearm or handgun
Section 2923.22. [Repealed]
Section 2923.23. Voluntary surrender of firearms and dangerous ordnance
Section 2923.24. Possessing criminal tools
Section 2923.241. Hidden compartments in vehicles
Section 2923.25. Gun locking devices
Section 2923.251 to 2923.30. [Repealed]
Section 2923.31. Corrupt activity definitions
Section 2923.32. Engaging in pattern of corrupt activity
Section 2923.33. [Repealed]
Section 2923.34. Civil proceeding seeking relief from any person whose conduct constitutes corrupt activity
Section 2923.35. [Repealed]
Section 2923.36. Corrupt activity lien notice
Section 2923.41. Criminal gang definitions
Section 2923.42. Participating in criminal gang
Section 2923.43. Property used or occupied by a criminal gang
Section 2923.44. Criminal forfeiture of property relating to gang participation
Section 2923.45. [Repealed]
Section 2923.46. [Repealed]
Section 2923.47. [Repealed]
Section 2923.51 to 2923.57. [Repealed]
Section 2923.61. [Repealed]
Section 2923.99. [Repealed]