Section 1547.541. Historic watercraft identification plates  

Latest version.
  • The owner of a watercraft that is more than twenty-five years old, is essentially as originally constructed, and is owned primarily as a collector's item and for participation in club activities, exhibitions, tours, parades, and similar uses, but is not used for general recreation may apply to the chief of the division of watercraft for an historic watercraft identification plate. The chief, by rule, may establish additional criteria for the registration of historic watercraft that the chief considers necessary.

    The chief shall prescribe the form of application and shall issue an historic watercraft identification plate, which shall be securely affixed to the watercraft. The plate shall bear no date, but shall bear the inscription "historic watercraft." A registration number assigned by the chief shall be shown on the plate. The plate is valid without renewal as long as the watercraft exists and ownership does not change. The fee for the plate is twenty-five dollars.

    Whenever the ownership of an historic watercraft changes, an application for transfer of registration, together with a fee of ten dollars, shall be filed with the division of watercraft, and a new certificate of registration shall be issued.

    The historic watercraft identification plate shall be shown on the watercraft in the same manner as a number required under sections 1547.53 and 1547.57 of the Revised Code.

    If the watercraft is to be used for general recreation, it also shall be registered as required by section 1547.54 of the Revised Code.

Effective Date: 03-18-1997; 04-06-2007